Home >> About Majorca >> Ensaimada – traditional food of Mallorca
Every country in the world, every region has its own traditions. This includes the traditional cuisine of this or that place. If we are talking about what traditional dishes you can and should try in Mallorca, then the answer is unequivocal – Ensaimada. The traditional cuisine of Mallorca has been greatly influenced by the peoples who have lived here.
The story of Ensaimada’s emergence
You’ll probably have no trouble finding one in any town in Mallorca. Ensaymada is a twist bun baked with yeast dough based on durum wheat flour, water, sugar, eggs, sourdough and lard.
There are tons of hypotheses as to where exactly this dish Ensaimada came from. The word was first documented in records in the 17th century. But the most evidence points to the Arabic origin of this delicacy. The shape of the ensaymada resembles the turbans worn by the Arabs. Its name comes from the word “saim”, which means lard in Arabic. Yes, we know that lard is a forbidden product in the Quran. But it is also assumed that originally the enseimada was originally filled with butter made from sheep’s milk. The rest of the ingredients and the shape of the bun were the same as today’s ensaymada, and it was called “bulema”. Perhaps over time, some dishes evolved and lard was substituted for sheep’s butter in the ensaymada.
Only 2 types of Ensaimada are considered traditional – Ensaimada lisa (it is baked without filling, then cut lengthwise and can be filled with anything) and Ensaimada de cabello de ángel (filled with pumpkin jam, which is made from the fibrous part of a ripe pumpkin). Nowadays, the ensaimada is filled with many different fillings, and in Mallorca you will see many different variations.
A souvenir record book record holder
On holidays, sometimes huge Ensaimadas are baked to feed several thousand people. If you will be vacationing in Mallorca in November, visit the fair in the town of Inca, as well as the festival Sant Roc in the small town of Porreres, where they make a giant Ensaimada, which weighs more than 50 kilograms. Almost every year the Mallorcan Ensaimada increases its previous weight and size in the Guinness Book of Records.
Recently, it is Ensaimada that tourists choose as a gift from Mallorca, it is convenient to transport in luggage, as it comes packed in a special box. It is a great gift that will feed and familiarize you with the history and culture of Mallorca. By the way, you will also be able to buy it at the airport. So beautiful, fragrant and packed in an original box.